Coding Music
Whenever I need to put my head down and focus on a coding task, I have found that listening to music can help me focus and increase my productivity.
There are two main criteria that I have for music while I am programming: 1) it needs to be instrumental, and 2) it needs to have a decent beat/tempo. If a song can check both of those boxes, then it gets added to the rotation.
Here is a list of songs/artists that I enjoy listening to while I work, in alphabetical order:
- Arcade High
- Com Truise
- Dynatron
- Hotel Pools
- Magic Sword
- S U R V I V E
- Timecop1983
- Washed Out: A little different from the others in the list, but the layers of music make it easy to tune out other distractions.
- Waveshaper
As of writing, these artists are all in similar, but as the lists grows I plan on organizing things by genre.