Back from time off

I took the month of January off from coding. It was a good opportunity to decompress after work hours, explore new hobbies, and reflect on the future.

Looking forward to the rest of 2023, I want to focus on:

  1. This site. I want to work on writing daily and publishing regularly instead of in bursts. I’m also hoping to redesign this year to give it more personality.
  2. Existing projects. I have a few that are moderately successful, and I want to spend the year iterating on those. I would like to release a new version of Popsicle Sticks this Summer.

In order to focus on those, I need to de-emphasize:

  1. New projects. Small stuff is okay, but I don’t want to spend a lot of time this year working on “The Next Big Thing”.
  2. Open source. It’s a time commitment, and if I’m not actively using the library then I want to de-prioritize the work as much as I can.

Outside of the regular schedule, I’ll try to get a conference talk or two accepted. I think that is a valuable skill set to nurture, even if it is a big time commitment.

Onward and upward!

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