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Create a custom search for a static site

There are out-of-the-box solutions for searching on a static site. I previously used Pagefind for this site which remains a great option. But if you want fully control of the behavior and appearance of your search feature, then you might have to build your own.

After thinking through how I wanted to use a search feature, I came up with these acceptance criteria:

With those criteria established, I could move on to designing and building the solution.


Without going into too many details about how I accomplished this in Astro, here are the high-level steps I followed to build a custom search:

  1. Gather all of my content into a normalized array: As I’ve written previously, normalizing data is a good idea.
  2. Expose the data to client-side JavaScript:
    1. Astro has a helpful define:vars directive for this, but your static-site generator has some kind of solution for hand off data with a script tag.
    2. The important part for me was to avoid network requests for the content data; I wanted this to be available at build time.
  3. In JS sync HTML with URL: Read the search parameters and then update the in-page form elements with the data. For this solution, the URL is the source of truth.
  4. Create a function to search and render: I wanted the results to render on load and whenever there was a change to the search form. By encapsulating that logic in a function, I was able to call it whenever I wanted.
  5. Use Fuse.js to search through content: This is the first time I’ve used Fuse and it was awesome. I added it from a CDN with a script tag, and it worked without any issues.
  6. Render: Take the results from Fuse and add some markup to an output element.
  7. Add event listeners for change, input, and submit: These were all added to the form element to a) sync URL with form state, and b) render updated results.

You can view the finished product at

Lessons learned