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Off to Kindergarten

Today is the first day of Kindergarten for my first-born son, Samuel. At 8:00pm this morning we’ll drive him to school, and his 13+ year journey in education will begin.

I’m excited for this new chapter of his life, but I’m going to miss him a lot. Since the pandemic started in 2020 and I started working from home, I have had the privilege of seeing, talking to, and playing with Samuel almost every weekday.

I loved when he would stop by during the day and tell me a fact that he learned while reading, show me a picture that he drew, or share something he thought was funny. I loved eating lunch with him, getting random high-fives and hugs, and taking a tickle break during the day.

I’m thankful that my wife was able and willing to mother him full-time—we’ve both gotten to know him so well over the past 5 years. I’m thankful that I work from home and can be around for her and the kids throughout the day. I’m thankful that Samuel is off to a wonderful school that will both challenge and encourage him. I’m thankful for the one-on-one time that we will get with Ezra while his big brother is at school.

Life transitions like this can be hard for both parents and kids. I know I’m feeling the full range of emotions! So I’m going to try to hold them all gladly today: excited, nervous, proud, scared, optimistic, sad, hopeful.

Godspeed, Samuel. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. May the rain fall gently on your fields. And until we meet again: may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.