Reflecting on a new role
Recently I accepted a new position at Niche as a senior mobile software engineer. I will take the reigns of our mobile app (Android, iOS) and work on a dedicated product team building new features for our users. This is a shift in focus for my career but not uncharted territory.
While working for TSYS in 2018, I helped work on an unnamed mobile app in the consumer finance space. After joining Niche in 2019, I helped implement Apple Sign-In in our app and resolved some other issues. Now that I am fully dedicated to working on the mobile app, I'm looking forward to building new things and learning lots along the way.
I'm going to start sharing more mobile and React Native articles on this site as I learn. The first of those came out earlier this week: What is Hermes in React Native?. Some of the information may be applicable in React contexts, so I'll try to tag articles appropriately.
That said, I'm not leaving the web world entirely. A Chrome extension for teachers that I launched in 2018 has over 10,000 weekly users during the school year, and I just released a new version with some great features. I'm committed to continued development on that and all the other tools I've created.
I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have been given in software development. From the ability to attend a coding bootcamp full-time, to that first developer job with TSYS, to a new position closer to home with Niche, and now greater acclaim and responsibility at a company that is going places. If any one of those doors had been closed, then my situation now could look completely different.
It's humbling to remember that I don't deserve any of this; it's ultimately grace. But now my responsibility is to do the best I can with all that God has given me. To Him be the glory, now and forever. Amen.
If you're reading this and have experience working in mobile development or with React Native, then please reach out. I'd love to pick your brain for a bit.
Happy coding!