Switching from Ubuntu to Linux Mint

Ubuntu was running slow on my old personal laptop. Previously I had turned to Lubuntu, but I read online that Linux Mint has slighly better performance on low-powered devices. So with a free morning I decided to give that a go.

Setup steps:

  1. Customized the colors and wallpaper
  2. Switched trackpad scroll from "Reversed" to normal (i.e. down goes down)
  3. Installed some key programs with Software Manager
  4. Removed some bundled software that I won't need
  5. Set up a custom search engine in the browser
  6. Installed git with apt
  7. Installed Node with nvm
  8. Set up SSH for GitHub
  9. Cloned this repo and started writing

First impressions:


Open questions:

Notes on improving the process for me:

Reply by email Matthew 23:23