To get a boilerplate Fastify app to deploy on, you need to read to listen on PORT environment variable
Tagged "Debugging"
Safari 16 has trouble with CSS animations on SVG child elements, but you can resolve them by using a combined transform property.
There is an issue with the Astro compiler that leaves unwanted whitespace in your elements, and this workaround will solve the problem until it's resolved
The issue for me was calling useCollection on an entry with a layout.
I don't know how applicable this solution will be to your situation, but it worked for me!
You need to include additional properties in your netlify.toml to get it working correctly.
With specialized profiles, you can help identify issues without messing with your favorite settings.
Make sure that the path to your font is correct before going down the debugging rabbit hole.
Make sure that your configuration file is being copied to the destination directory.
Not a true fix, but a decent workaround when paginating collections in Eleventy
When trying to run Jest in watch mode, this error may mean that you are missing a dependency.
An organized approach to debugging your code
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