Decap CMS is the official successor to Netlify CMS and works well with the old tooling.
Tagged "Netlify"
Thanks to Netlify Analytics I know to focus on writing how-to articles, but it has less data than I hoped
I don't know how applicable this solution will be to your situation, but it worked for me!
Documenting my first attempt at switching from Netlify CMS to Static CMS
The npm-run-all package allows you to run multiple scripts from your package.json in parallel
You need to include additional properties in your netlify.toml to get it working correctly.
Announcing astro-netlify-components, a library for using Netlify features in your Astro projects.
Make sure that your configuration file is being copied to the destination directory.
Build your very own shortener in six quick steps
This is a WIP that I probably will never finish.
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