When you need to reference the previous state, pass a callback function to React's setState.
Tagged "React"
Renders are called top-down, but effects are called bottom-up.
Using the Navigator's onLine property and online/offline events to create a custom React hook
The React team is looking to transition Create React App from a project scaffold to a launcher that includes options other than client-side rendering
The memo higher-order component can prevent your component for re-rendering unnecessarily, but you should use caution before using it
The missing "hello world" example to get up and running with remark
The temptation is strong, but consider some of the tradeoffs.
This is a WIP that I probably will never finish.
Why do we store data in state as opposed to on the class?
A few tools to help you build more accessible React applications
A step by step guide to converting old components to modern React
Render props are a popular technique in modern React, but they can be tricky. Here is a brief explanation and guide to creating your own.
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